To the Kingdom of Prester John!

Rating: ☆☆☆
Title: Baudolino
Author: Umberto Eco
Genre: Historical Fiction
Read: 9th June 2005
Comments: Half novel and half history lesson, 'Baudolino' is a wild ride through 12th century history ending with the sack of Constantinople by the knights of the 4th Crusade. The hero and narrator Baudolino, survives the siege of his city, becomes the adopted son of Barbarossa, falls in love, forges religious relics, solves a locked room murder, journeys to the fabled kingdom of Prester John, falls in love again, and generally had more adventures than you can shake a stick at. It's imaginative and fun, and you'll come away with some interesting historical and theological trivia.
Quote: "God’s Belly! By the Virgin’s death! Filthy Blasphemers! Simonist Pigs!"
See also:
Ok, so it's a little fuzzy alright. Jeez!
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