Monday, April 17, 2006

And now introducing: Dr. Johnson!


Title:The Life of Samuel Johnson

Author: James Boswell

Genre: Biography

Read: Sometime in May 2005

Comments: I read somewhere (I think it was 'An Incomplete Education') that Boswell is like a good TV host, because he knows when to shut up and just sit back and let the guest do the talking. And that's what he does. A good portion of the biography is just voluminous chunks of Johnson being Johnson. You'll be surprised at how many famous quotes/clichés/ what have you, originally were uttered by the man himself. Admitedly Boswell does come off as a bit sycophantic at times, but it's still an engaging read, and you can't not be impressed by a guy who wrote an ENTIRE FRIGGIN' DICTIONARY all by himself! (I mean DANG!)

Quote: "Sir, your wife, under pretence of keeping a bawdy house, is a receiver of stolen goods."

  • The Life of Samuel Johnson

    Blogger Becki said...

    His was basically the first one though, so he couldn't cheat and see what the other guy had as a definition of 'phantasmagorical' or whatever...

    1:46 AM  
    Blogger kumagoro said...

    Nice wig, Sam!

    11:44 AM  

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