A Heaping Helping of Plum!

Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆(out of 5)
Title:The Inimitable Jeeves
Author: P.G. Wodehouse
Genre: Comedy
Read: 25th May 2005
Comments: I can't believe I've only been reading Wodehouse for a year; I feel like we're old friends already. For anyone out there who's never read Wodehouse: get up, run to the bookstore and get yourself a copy of this book, NOW! You won't regret it. Wodehouse is the man. He is, without a doubt, the funniest writer in the English language, (Don't take my word for it though, Douglas Adams thought so too!) and one of the most prolific too, over 90 books!
That said, there's basically only one plot to all of the Bertie and Jeeves stories; Bertie has some wacky misadventures, usually involving impersonating someone, or trying to steal some kind of tchotchke to help a friend out of a scrap, thereby getting himself deeply into the soup, whereupon Jeeves in all his wisdom manages to pluck him out- however it's the dialogue and in particular Bertie's sublimely ridiculous slang that really make the books. He's quite probably the most entertaining narrator in the history of English fiction. Think I'm playing a little fast and loose with the all the superlatives here? Then go check out some Wodehouse online right now... I guarantee you'll pee your pants laughing!
Quote: "I rather fancy I'm in the soup, Jeeves."
Which did you read? The old one or the new one?
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