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Rating: ☆
Title: Codex
Author: Lev Grossman
Genre: "Literary Thriller"
Read: 27th May 2005
Comments: I'm only reviewing this in the hopes that I might possibly spare others the pain of reading it. It's supposed to be a "literary thriller" on par with 'The Name of The Rose' but the only thing these two books have in common is that they both have libraries in them. Don't be fooled! Codex is an un-alleviated suckfest from beginning to end with a climax that makes you go 'Huh? What happened? Did I miss something?' then turn back and re-read the last few pages only to realize: 'Nope, I didn't miss anything, it was just a crappy non sequitur of an ending....' Stay away from this book at all costs.
Quote: "For dinner he ate an entire jar of Italian cocktail onions."
(Dead thrilling, eh? The rest of it's just as boring.)
It's pretty funny reading the other reviews too, there are a lot of people who hated this book.
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