Another Year's Gone By Already...
I can't believe how quickly time flies by. This May begins year three of Bibliomania, my oft-neglected book blog, read only by me, and maybe once in a while my mom or dad...
I can't promise to actually update this blog regularly, but I'll try to write at least a little more often than I have been. (Last post was in Oct 2006, ouch!)
Anyway please feel free to check out my list for Year Two of Bibliomaniahere or click on 'Year Two' on the right...
I'm a little disappointed in myself for not reaching my goal of 100 books this year, but I guess I'll just have to read 102 next year. And just because I'm a super-ultra-uber-dork here are some stats.
Some stats:
Total number of books: 98
Total number of authors: 70
Male authors:52
Female authors:18
Most books by same author: Agatha Christie x16
Most common author's names: 5 Johns, 3 Kens, 3 Stevens, 3 James
Most common genre: Mystery x 26
Apparently I read a crap-load of Agatha Christie this year, as well as Neil Gaiman (5) and P.G. Wodehouse (4). I read a bunch of trash at the beginning of the year (4 Blondes, The Debutante Divorcee, How to Cook a Tart), and some of the big hyped books (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Freakonomics, The God Delusion, Special Topics in Calamity Physics, The Historian) but I also got around to a bunch of classics I'd been meaning to read (Madame Bovary, Monkey, The Thin Man, The Old Man and the Sea, The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Dune, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest , A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court)
My favorite book this year was probably 'Confessing a Murder'. Although the ending was fairly obvious, I'm a real sucker for historical fiction and the detailed naturalistic descriptions of the mysterious island's flora and fauna were absolutely charming. Julie, you'd probably like this one!
Probably the worst book I read all year was Bangkok Tattoo, which apart from being written by a kind of slimy-feeling white dude trying way too hard to be Thai, also had one of the most unoriginal endings ever, bascially ripped off from a short story of Roald Dahl's. Do yourself a favor and don't read this one.
I can't promise to actually update this blog regularly, but I'll try to write at least a little more often than I have been. (Last post was in Oct 2006, ouch!)
Anyway please feel free to check out my list for Year Two of Bibliomania
I'm a little disappointed in myself for not reaching my goal of 100 books this year, but I guess I'll just have to read 102 next year. And just because I'm a super-ultra-uber-dork here are some stats.
Some stats:
Total number of books: 98
Total number of authors: 70
Male authors:52
Female authors:18
Most books by same author: Agatha Christie x16
Most common author's names: 5 Johns, 3 Kens, 3 Stevens, 3 James
Most common genre: Mystery x 26
Apparently I read a crap-load of Agatha Christie this year, as well as Neil Gaiman (5) and P.G. Wodehouse (4). I read a bunch of trash at the beginning of the year (4 Blondes, The Debutante Divorcee, How to Cook a Tart), and some of the big hyped books (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Freakonomics, The God Delusion, Special Topics in Calamity Physics, The Historian) but I also got around to a bunch of classics I'd been meaning to read (Madame Bovary, Monkey, The Thin Man, The Old Man and the Sea, The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Dune, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest , A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court)

Got to say Confessing a Murder was a great book - I found myself doodling pictures of the strange flora & fauna he described. Even though the "mounting tension" toward the climax was pretty cheesy (Who didn't know how it would play out?) the body of the story and his delightful coolness (spiritual temperature, not hipness) kept me engaged.
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