Daisy Miller

Rating: ☆☆☆☆
Title: Daisy Miller
Author: Henry James
Genre: Classic
Read: 1st Aug 2005
Comments: I read 'Daisy Miller' after reading about it and all the stir it caused in Azar Nafisi's English Lit class in 'Reading Lolita in Tehran'. I enjoyed it, but to tell the truth, the culture and mores portrayed were far enough removed from and yet still so similar to our own that it was difficult to react emotinally to it. In this age of Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton et al. flashing their naughty bits to all and sundry, the idea that society could so strongly reject a young woman for simply walking about unescorted seems almost bizarrely quaint, though it would no doubt have been a real shock at the time, as it was to Nafisi's fundamentalist Muslim students.
Definitely worth a read though.
Quote: 'She was a young lady whom a gentleman need no longer be at pains to respect.'
Hehe, recognize that style of book cover. Same kind I would buy from Chapters in the Bargain section ;)
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Holy Crap!
Someone actually posted a comment on Bibliomania. I had just about given up hope. You've given me fresh inspiration to continue writing this blog!
Thanks Kumagoro!
(Previous post deleted due to typos. I wish you could just go back and edit these $#%&' things!)
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