And Yet Again...

Well, it's May again: the only time I ever seem to write any posts for this red-headed step-child of a blog of mine. I was a little disappointed last May that I didn't reach my goal of 100 books; but this year I'm back with a vengence! 121 books, Booyah!
So without further ado, here is the list for Year Three of Bibliomania, (and please, please, please click some of the links so that I won't feel that I've completely wasted the 3 or 4 hours it took to put this together):
Stats, Stats, Who wants stats?
Some stats:
Total number of books: 121
Most books in month: January 2008- 18
Least books in month: May 2007- 3
Average per month: 10
Total number of authors: 90
Male authors:57
Female authors:33
Most books by same author: Agatha Christie x27
Most common author's names: Ben, Daniel, Emma, Jason, Michael, Steven 2 each
By genre:
Mystery: 32
Memoir/Biography: 27
Classics: 10
I read an absolute ton of Agatha Christie again this year, sometimes 4 or 5 a month. I read a few graphic novels, (including the wonderful 'Persepolis'), several kids books, a bunch of memoirs, lots of modern classics, and the usual trashy paperbacks. (I can't believe I read 'Legally Blonde' , but I did)

My favorite book this year was definitely 'Bad Monkeys'. It's one of the most original books I've ever read, and the narrator just keeps you second-guessing, and third-guessing and fourth-guessing until you really have no idea what is true and what is just in her crazed imagination. It's fast-paced and creepy and funny all at the same time. A must read!

Even weirder than 'Bad Monkeys' is 'The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil'. I think you can pick up a little bit of the weirdness just from the title, but anyway, if you can find this; buy it and read it! You won't be disappointed. Also it's very short, so if you're looking for a little breather between serious books, it's perfect.
See you next May!!!