Harry Potter Book Six

Rating: ☆☆☆
Title: Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
Author: J. K. Rowling
Genre: Fantasy / Juv
Read: 19th July 2005
Comments: OMG! No she didn't! But she did; that's right (SPOILER AHEAD [like anyone reading this review hasn't already read the book, but I digress] she killed the big D! After Sirius bought it in book 5 I think we all knew that the death of a really major character was probably coming in book 6, but still, Dang! Say it ain't so!
To anyone who hasn't read the Harry Potter series yet: (are there still any of you left?) read it now! Yeah, I know it's a 'kids' book, but it has great page-turning storylines, well-fleshed out, likable and realistic chararacters (apart from the whole wizard thing of course) and plenty of humor as well. What are you waiting for?
Quote: " 'Dumbledore’s man through and through’ said Harry, ‘That’s right.’ "